It looks like you have a lot of tasks ahead of you today. Jumping into your car, telling your office it to go to drive you there, plugging in your iPad to check email, and having it make a phone call to your first customer. A self-scanning system allows your car to pull into your parking spot, and your building recognizes you once you've arrived at your front door. Then your personal assistant arrives with your coffee and brings in your favorite creams and sugar, just as you requested. After this, the other assistants go to the rear of the office and attach to the power outlet.
It sounds like you're having a rotten day, doesn't it? I appreciate what you're doing, but don't worry. 2017 is a long way off. It's possible to imagine that machine learning has gotten that far, but I don't think it's realistic to expect it to be indistinguishable from actual intelligence any time soon. Not too long from now, it now, people will no longer be able to replace secretaries and security guards will no longer be able to perform that role. Typically, robots appear in movies as malevolent or menacing beings, such as Star Wars's C-3PO or Skynet's RX-0. Here are four reasons why we think the use of robots in defense will remain restricted for the near future:
We've come a long way, but humans are still in charge.
Robots will still be designed and programmed by hand, regardless of how intelligent and competent we think they are. They just focus on things they are capable of solving and on. Since so much has been written about artificial intelligence and deep learning, many people believe that robots are becoming smarter, but they're actually becoming simpler. they were created to solve a particular problem and lack general cognitive ability
Consider, for example, programmable robots obtain data about a situation, perform a search in their preset databases, and take the best action that they find. Think of robots in an assembly line in an auto plants or the hand-controlled arm on the space shuttle. some robots work differently than the way they're supposed to. Artificial intelligence and machine learning systems will memorize and reproduce specific actions by storing the knowledge and referencing it later on subsequent encounters. The task of writing software and devising algorithms is often done by people.
A security guard does more than sit in an office or in a mall
Have you ever sensed something was horribly wrong from the bottom of your soul? For some people, that's the familiar "gut feeling." It's a remarkable feat of machinery that machines have not been able to duplicate such an empathetic feeling Their decisions must be instinctive and based on their feelings of security. It's a life-or-or-death situation.
Safety guards also deal with emergency situations Military personnel are taught to maintain discipline, help people remain calm, and behave as leaders in times of crisis. How about a machine making people feel safe and protected during a workplace evacuation? Cobalt has built a security robot that moves around the workplace, but in the event of an incident, workers take control of the robot.
Since human intelligence and emotions are so complex, one could almost be forgiven for thinking there are two distinct intelligent and two different kinds of emotional species on Earth. They are incapable of reason, without soul, intent, and can't recount the specifics of what they've done.
Executives and prominent individuals are often guarded by a multitude of guards. These guards know how to adjust their strategies on the fly to keep their client secure. They ensure the escape routes inside the building are accounted for and include part in their client's overall security strategy. No matter how much computing power is in its CPU, would you entrust your life to a robot? It is not available right now. One thing robots can't do is have is warm and fuzzy feelings.
Today's robots have some, basic capabilities and can do only limited tasks.
One of the limits that police officers faced in the past was identifying criminals, because robots are too big to get into hidden places such as closets and spaces where suspects have historically taken cover. Now, they're trying to get smaller and act quicker. they're not able to be creative Let's look at the Knightscope security robots for an example: They make suspicious observations like Cobalt Robots, and investigate the matter remotely. The Washington Post reported that in July that one of Knightscope's robots broke into a fountain in D.C. As it patrolled down the stairs, it got knocked into the fountain. Due to global climate change, we needed to save it from the sea. It is likely that its sensors missed the stairs. The robot was completely stumped. If errors are made, the guards must provide an explanation and face punishment.
It's not possible that fully-automated guards are going to be replaced by semi-automated guards and machines anytime soon
The dawn of the age of robotics has arrived, and is making dramatic progress in all aspects of our daily activities. Fearing the advent of new technologies could present a threat. We may join in with new technology or reject it. The two of us will do so much more by working together. From a staff standpoint, the defense industry will be faced with certain brand-new and new roles to be performed. Security guards could be taught to use robot technology and raise their pay. Wage costs may contribute to an expected decrease in employee turnover. More trained guards could lead to greater job opportunities in the private security industry.
Robots would not actually take away all security guards' jobs in the future Because of advances in robotics, businesses may be able to reduce the need for guards whose primary function is to search buildings and parking lots, but not malls. According to LaVry, intelligent machines have a role in society; their place is to work alongside human beings to help us make our lives easier.
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