Monday, July 30, 2018

OMG! The Best DSLR Camera Ever!

That is a fairly powerful statement - yes, everybody requires a Digital SLR camera. Do not get me wrong - I love point-and-shoot cameras. My first one had 3 mega pixels and I paid over $800 for this. Now I always carry a 6 mega pixel point-and-shoot camera in the trunk of my car.Image result for dslr camera

But there is a group of pictures you are going to want to take when just the DSLR camera is going to do. I am talking about action pictures - perhaps not of the game events (although here DSLR can also be necessary), but I am talking about family and friends. If it comes to capturing that particular moment - your Mother's smile, a kid running to hug you, or a household dog leaping over a gorgeous flower - just DSLR will do.

Why? Because point-and-shoot cameras have a very long lag between pressing the button, and the camera launching (picture being taken). It may be as long as 1/2 second. This may seem like very brief time - but in regards to photography, half a second is like life-threatening. Individuals will move by a foot or two, kid will turn away, cat will turn it is back to you personally. Because of this, you may miss these special moments. All these great holiday moments - funny, happy, hilarious - they won't be captured with a point-and-shoot camera. You need the instant response of a DSLR.

That is the real difference between point-and-shoot and DSLR cameras. Other differences appear to matter less. I can't, and I've got a pretty good eye for detail. But the ability to catch action - or lack of it - is that which makes all the difference in the world. Yes, the DSLRs cost a few hundred dollars over point-and-shoot cameras. But the memories they catch are really priceless.

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